Search Engine Optimization


  • The CSV text must have a header row.
  • This utility does not currently check for escaped quotes inside of like quotes (e.g.: "foo, \"bar\" baz").

Enter CSV text below:

About CSV to JSON

CSV to JSON conversion is a process that involves converting data stored in a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file into JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. Both CSV and JSON are text-based file formats that are commonly used to store and exchange data in various systems. A CSV file represents data in a tabular format with each line containing values separated by commas. Whereas, JSON represents data as a hierarchical collection of key-value pairs. The CSV file format is lightweight, and data can easily be imported and exported into various applications. On the other hand, JSON is widely used in web development for data exchange and data storage providing comprehensive support for handling complex data structures. To convert CSV to JSON, the CSV file is first parsed, and the data fields are mapped into their corresponding JSON objects. The resulting JSON file is hierarchical in nature and provides a more structured approach towards data storage. The conversion is usually done using various tools, libraries, and online converters available on the web. Overall, CSV to JSON conversion is a convenient way of parsing tabulated data stored in a CSV file into JSON format, which is easier to read and interpret. This conversion process provides a lightweight solution for storing and exchanging data in web applications as JSON is flexible, human-readable, and easy to parse.