HTML Decoder

Search Engine Optimization

HTML Decoder

Browse file to decode

About HTML Decoder

An HTML Decoder is a tool that performs the opposite function of an HTML Encoder. It converts HTML entities or special characters back into their original character format. HTML entities are used to represent special characters that have a special meaning in HTML or are reserved for HTML markup. For example, "&lt;" represents the "<" symbol, "&gt;" represents the ">" symbol, "&amp;" represents the "&" symbol, and so on. The use of HTML Decoder is important for web developers and designers, as it helps to ensure that the HTML code is properly formatted and readable. It is also useful for debugging issues related to special character encoding, as it can help identify where the issue is occurring. Overall, an HTML Decoder is a useful tool for anyone who works with HTML code. It helps to ensure that the HTML code is valid and readable, and helps to identify and solve issues related to special character encoding.